Welcome to the Blog of Avatar and Zetar!

This blog is the continuation and combination of the two separate blogs of our son @ http://ToddlerAvatar.BlogSpot.com and our daughter @ http://BabyZetar.BlogSpot.com

Hope everyone who visits here enjoys their little adventures for years to come!

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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Legoland Malaysia

Despite my excruciating pain from my dental surgery two days ago, we went to Legoland Malaysia because I promise Xuan that we will bring him there. First, we picked up our friends Andrew and Regina, then headed across the boarder to Malaysia.

Once we reached Legoland, I took a picture of Xuan and Ping at the front entrance:

Then Xuan sat with what looked like a Lego version of me:

While Ping was sleeping, we visited MiniLand, the Lego version of various countries, including China:

And possibly the Phillipines:

We ventured into Land of Adventure:

and then into Lego City:

where both the kids were checking out some Lego people!

Also, Xuan took a picture with a Lego shark!

drove a Lego car:

pretended to drive while hugging his baby sister:

We then took a break and had lunch at this chef's cafe:

At Lego Technic, Ting Yee and Xuan rode on what looked like a hovercraft:

took a picture with a Lego octopus:

and with a Lego Einstein:

before heading onto Lego Kingdoms, where our little knight was on a Lego horse, jousting:

Then within the Kingdom, we came across a catapult:

and "shot" Xuan through the gate!

Over at the other end, Xuan met up with the human version of Shrek:

Onto Lego Imagination, where Xuan met this crazy rabbit:

and this tall giraffe:

Then he encountered some sort of a dinosaur float:

along with two Lego clowns:

Xuan then took a train around the the kiddy play area:

We all decided to call it a day after Xuan posed with the Legoland map:

and with these tourist:

After returning to Singapore and dropping off our friends, we headed to Ting Yee's auntie's place for dinner, where Ping was wide awake and playing with her musical toy:

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pix of legoland malaysia Avatar and Zetar..I really enjoyed your pics in legoland.
    Surely you have a great collection of legoland malaysia photo gallery.

    legoland malaysia map
