Welcome to the Blog of Avatar and Zetar!

This blog is the continuation and combination of the two separate blogs of our son @ http://ToddlerAvatar.BlogSpot.com and our daughter @ http://BabyZetar.BlogSpot.com

Hope everyone who visits here enjoys their little adventures for years to come!

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

1st day of the Desaru Trip with our friends!

We started off on our Desaru Trip by being late. Hence, we were stuck at the Woodlands checkpoint for an hour. That didn't dampen the mood of our kids though:

After immigration, our first stop was at the fruit farm, where after having a disgusting buffet lunch, we set out on our fruit farm tour:

The fruit farm tour was rather boring to me, but it taught the kids how to pole dance:

how to feed the fishes by throwing food at them:

how to fight with the animals for food:

After we reached the hotel, and before going to swim, Ping was part of our TV entertainment:

and after swimming, she was happily hugging (or tickling) her brother:

We ended the night by driving another two hours to and from the seafood restaurant to have a satisfying dinner:

before collapsing onto the hotel bed.

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