Welcome to the Blog of Avatar and Zetar!

This blog is the continuation and combination of the two separate blogs of our son @ http://ToddlerAvatar.BlogSpot.com and our daughter @ http://BabyZetar.BlogSpot.com

Hope everyone who visits here enjoys their little adventures for years to come!

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Angry Birds Invasion!

Perhaps due to his super psychic abilities, he drew this picture of a bird this morning at child care:

And in the late afternoon, we ended up at Changi Airport Terminal 3 with my friend's family to enjoy the Angry Birds Space "expo"!

First, we went to "marvel" at the Angry Birds' spaceship:

and made a short trip inside the ship:

Then, we took a picture next to a huge Angry Bird:

and proceed to the next destination:

Next, the kids happily went down the one-storey high slide twice!

After dinner, we all went and had fun in the Angry Birds playground:

mainly playing Angry Birds Space game:

bouncing about:

and eventually trying to topple some bricks with an Angry Bird:

And the night ended with bringing home cardboard Angry Bird characters!

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