Welcome to the Blog of Avatar and Zetar!

This blog is the continuation and combination of the two separate blogs of our son @ http://ToddlerAvatar.BlogSpot.com and our daughter @ http://BabyZetar.BlogSpot.com

Hope everyone who visits here enjoys their little adventures for years to come!

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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hong Kong Trip Day 2

Second day of our Hong Kong Trip started out with the children watching cartoon while waiting for daddy and mummy to get ready:

My dad came over to our hotel and we went and took the MTR:

to get over to Kowloon side (we stayed at Hong Kong island). Once there, Ping fell asleep with her sunglasses in her stroller:

and my dad and Xuan had a blast taking many pictures, one of them was this:

as well as enjoying a view of how polluted Hong Kong island was:

After many pictures and viewing of the scenery, we entered this weird looking building to have something to drink:

where Ping woke up and the children were once again playing with each other:

We headed to the harbour to take the Star Ferry from Kowloon back to Hong Kong. The children, especially Xuan, were thrilled to be crossing the seas on a ferry:

It was, after all, their first time! And I taught Xuan to play with the control (like what I did when I was a kid) as though he was controlling the ferry:

Back in Hong Kong island, we went to my dad's PO Box:

where Ping was "forced" into a corner!

Then we took the tram:

and saw some people protesting against something which was a norm in Hong Kong. We stopped by my dad's apartment for a while:

then headed back to our hotel to get ready to have dinner with my grandmother, my two uncles from USA, and my parents. After dinner, we visited my grandmother's apartment and then my elder uncle insisted then we took a cab back to our hotel.

Before going to sleep, the children were posing while wearing the pyjamas my mother bought for them:

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