Welcome to the Blog of Avatar and Zetar!

This blog is the continuation and combination of the two separate blogs of our son @ http://ToddlerAvatar.BlogSpot.com and our daughter @ http://BabyZetar.BlogSpot.com

Hope everyone who visits here enjoys their little adventures for years to come!

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Saturday, January 19, 2013

The whole day @ Universal Studios Singapore

As if one major theme park was not enough for the week/month, we had to go to Universal Studios today so that we could use up the two free adult entries (Ting Yee was a member of Resort World Singapore and she does not even gamble!). But first, I had to let these monkeys out of the "cage":

Upon reaching the theme park, we had a quick lunch and headed towards where Elmo and his gang were, only to find out that it was raining and they won't be making an appearance. Nevertheless, Xuan and Ping had their pictures taken outside the Elmo theatre:

outside a Sesame Street shop:

in front of the Sesame Street bus:

and of course the children's famous run about:

Xuan actually chickened out on the Transformers Ride at the last minute because he remembered his ride the previous time and did not want to go on this ride. So we had to play those "less scary" rides like the ferris wheel ride:

and the merry-go-round ride:

After Ting Yee and Xuan went to watch the Monster Rock Musical, we all went to see donkey from the Shrek movies:

and Xuan even got to ask donkey a "no-question"! Then Ting Yee changed Ping's diaper and saw this sign:

Our last ride of the day was the Madagascar ride (which I took with Xuan earlier, but this time, all of us were on the ride):

We waited until evening to catch a 5 minute (short!) fireworks:

We ended the night with Ping carrying what was supposed to be her backpack for the Hong Kong trip:

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