Welcome to the Blog of Avatar and Zetar!

This blog is the continuation and combination of the two separate blogs of our son @ http://ToddlerAvatar.BlogSpot.com and our daughter @ http://BabyZetar.BlogSpot.com

Hope everyone who visits here enjoys their little adventures for years to come!

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Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Great Easter Adventure!

Welcome to the last day of the first quarter of the 13th year of the 21st century (ie 31st March 2013.  According to Wikipedia, 21st century starts on 1 Jan 2001, but some may argue otherwise)!

Anyway, it was the Great Easter Adventure @ Downtown East. We started this outing with lunch at one of the many Western Food restaurants there. Xuan and Ping were playing with their toys while waiting for the food:

While waiting for the "adventure" (it was actually to see who can pick the most "eggs" according to their given "egg" colour) to start, Ting Yee and Xuan went window shoppping, while Ping and I walked around the area and came to this fish pond:

and then Ping posed in front of Wild Wild Wet:

Then after waiting for another hour or so, the event started for Xuan, with Ting Yee guiding him:

However, instead of picking up his designated "egg" colour, Xuan went to pick up whatever "eggs" he saw! It was funny! That was the 1st round though.

Then came the 2nd round where I kept telling Xuan to pick up his designated "egg" colour and here was how it went:

And then we handled Xuan's bucket to get it counted by the officials:

Well, even though Xuan did not win, he still received a certificate for participation:

And all these while, Ping was having her beauty nap, did wake up so that we can take this family photo:

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