Welcome to the Blog of Avatar and Zetar!

This blog is the continuation and combination of the two separate blogs of our son @ http://ToddlerAvatar.BlogSpot.com and our daughter @ http://BabyZetar.BlogSpot.com

Hope everyone who visits here enjoys their little adventures for years to come!

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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Science Centre Singapore Outing

After Xuan's abacus class and picking up Ping from her childcare, we decided to meet up with our friends and their son for an afternoon/evening outing at Science Centre Singapore.  The afternoon started with the wind blowing in Ping's face:

Then we were off to the Science Centre, where we started at the water playground. Here, Xuan was chased by a water spray:

Then he activated some buttons to make the sound from water:

Ping was prepped and ready to go, but clung onto Ting Yee initially:

Xuan came across a tub with a water vortex:

and a water contraption involving plastic balls:

Our friends' son soon joined Xuan at the playground:

around the same time Ping got comfortable with the water:

While the mothers chatted away, the three kids enjoyed themselves in the water:

Ping then posed while water was falling beside her:

And one more climb for Xuan before heading for the showers:

Here we had Xuan posing with PlayMobil models:

and moving onto the Robotics section where Xuan posing as AstroBoy:

and Ping posing as AstroGirl!

The power of Ping's palms made some noise with this contraption!

and this contraption imitated Xuan's heartbeat when he gripped firmly on the metal bar:

Ping was hugging a pole:

before our friends' son hugged her head:

Xuan's portrait was 3D-nised:

and Ping's head was part of the fruit basket! Argh!

A video captured edited Xuan and Ping's look onscreen:

After dinner, there were some serious gaming on the tablets:

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