Welcome to the Blog of Avatar and Zetar!

This blog is the continuation and combination of the two separate blogs of our son @ http://ToddlerAvatar.BlogSpot.com and our daughter @ http://BabyZetar.BlogSpot.com

Hope everyone who visits here enjoys their little adventures for years to come!

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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Fun meeting up with friends and playing with the motorised car

In the morning, we brought Ping to her Melody Bear class, where she still needed Ting Yee to be around to hold her hand:

Then after her class, Ping joined Xuan and I to play Lego briefly:

We headed to meet our friends and their kids for lunch, where Xuan and Ping had much fun in the indoor playground within the restaurant:

and here's a photo of Xuan with our friends' children, sharing a bowl of seaweed and watching cartoons:

Back home, the kids got to play with the motorised car that Ting Yee won last week:

and Xuan had another go at it after he bathed, while Ping looked on with her super-cute face:

Then both kids tried to squeeze inside this one-sitter car:

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