Welcome to the Blog of Avatar and Zetar!

This blog is the continuation and combination of the two separate blogs of our son @ http://ToddlerAvatar.BlogSpot.com and our daughter @ http://BabyZetar.BlogSpot.com

Hope everyone who visits here enjoys their little adventures for years to come!

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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Argh! More Let It Go!!!

When Ting Yee went to the childcare centre to pick up the kids, she told some snapshots of the photos of their trip to the Amazon Flooded Forest a while back, where Ping was spotted wearing a red cap:

and Xuan was spotted wearing a brown and orange cap:

Here are Xuan and his K2 classmates posing for the camera:

and in front of a huge rock:

Then Ting Yee brought them to meet me at my work place.  While waiting, Xuan and Ping got into singing "Let It Go"... again!

For dinner, we went to a Thai restaurant, where there was an area for the kids to play:

Then I brought Xuan to Toys R Us, where he donned the Leonardo mask and katana:

as well as Michelangelo and his nunchaku:

Before going to his abacus class, Xuan joined Ping to watch the Thomas Live on Stage:

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