Welcome to the Blog of Avatar and Zetar!

This blog is the continuation and combination of the two separate blogs of our son @ http://ToddlerAvatar.BlogSpot.com and our daughter @ http://BabyZetar.BlogSpot.com

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Monday, June 30, 2014

Ping is 3 years old!

How time flies, really. 10 days ago, Xuan had his 6th birthday.  Today, Ping celebrated her 3rd birthday! In the morning, both the kids were playing inside a big box!

After dropping the kids off at the childcare, Ting Yee and I went to pick up custom-made muffins for Ping's birthday party at the childcare:

When we reached the childcare with my parents,Ting Yee stacked the muffins up:

There was also a "Dora the Explorer" cake:

Then we woke up our little princess and dressed her up in her princess attire:

Xuan joined the party along with Ping's classmates:

And see how Xuan blew out Ping's candles:

After eating the Dora cake, the children proceeded to the muffins:

All of them enjoyed eating their muffins:

Ping also received presents from her teachers:

In the evening, we met up with my 2 aunties and ate at a sushi restaurant, where Xuan was happily drawing his Transformers:

and Ping was happily doodling:

Then check out how happy and hysterical Ping was in this video when I was playing with her:

Back home, Ping took pictures with her unopened presents:

and also happily posed with her opened presents:

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