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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Xuan's 6 year old birthday party

Today, Xuan had a massive gathering of his friends, classmates as well as children of our friends' for his 6th birthday party.  While we were setting up the venue, which was at the pavilion where we stayed, Xuan was happily pushing his classmate in his toy car:

Then he had something to eat:

before more and more people started turning up:

Of course we didn't forget to provide the food:

and an area for photograph taking:

When there were more kids turning up, Xuan and Ping were ecstatically playing at the playground:

Xuan and his buddy stopped and took a picture in front of the Lego background:

and then continued to play more at the playground:



and sliding:

and stopped again to take pictures with his classmates:

Ping was also having fun at the playground:

Ting Yee stuffed sweets and candies inside this big number 6 the night before:

and Xuan and his buddy were playing with it using their balloon swords:

Then Ting Yee released the candies inside the number 6 with Xuan underneath it to signal the beginning of the party games:

Once the candies started flowing out, there was a horde of kids mad-rushing to grab them:

Xuan was happily grabbing his share:

The first game started, and it was the musical chairs:

Second game was passing the present around the kids until someone opened the last piece of wrapping to win a prize:

After the third game, which was a guessing game, Xuan and all the kids were ready for the cake-cutting ceremony:

Ting Yee prepared two cakes, which were both Lego-themed cakes:

After singing the birthday song, both Xuan and Ping were seen blowing out the candles:

The party eventually ended and in the evening, Xuan was posing with the presents he received:

and proceeded to open everything up!

Before going to sleep, Ping was wearing my Germany jersey:

and Xuan wore it too before I headed off to watch the Germany World Cup match:

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