Welcome to the Blog of Avatar and Zetar!

This blog is the continuation and combination of the two separate blogs of our son @ http://ToddlerAvatar.BlogSpot.com and our daughter @ http://BabyZetar.BlogSpot.com

Hope everyone who visits here enjoys their little adventures for years to come!

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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Visit to the Alive Museum @ Suntec City

The day started out with Ping dressing up with her lovely two clips and demin dress:

and Xuan playing in the kiddy pool after his swimming lesson:

After meeting up with my father, all of us ventured to Suntec City to visit the Alive Museum @ Suntec City, where the kids posed as angels at the entrance:

were in the embrace of a painting:

were being grabbed by a big hand:

Xuan was a bit disgusted with Spider-Man:

but played along with the Incredible Hulk:

We ventured to the bottomless pit:

and then Xuan and Ping were hanging onto their dear lives:

Then Xuan was climbing away from a bunch of hungry zombies:

Ping was also trying to escape in a canoe:

and she ended up being so happy as a japanese cartoon character:

while Xuan sneaked off to surprise Zhang Fei:

before going back to his day job as a polar bear im-bear-sonator:

Xuan also sparred with Ryu from Street Fighters:

and joined the circus doing splits:

In the meantime, Ping was bouncing like a baby:

while Xuan found someone to challenge his ping pong skills:

The kids then ended up at the farm, which some elephant trying to whisper into their ears:

Xuan was then at the house from the movie "Up":

Alien visited us in the form of ET:

Ping even let a giraffe lick her hand!

Ting Yee accidentally tipped over this painting and got Ping wet:

In the end, all three of them took the bird express before exiting the cheat-our-money museum:

The kids were then given balloons to play with:

and subsequently ended up at Toys R Us:

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