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This blog is the continuation and combination of the two separate blogs of our son @ http://ToddlerAvatar.BlogSpot.com and our daughter @ http://BabyZetar.BlogSpot.com

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Friday, June 16, 2017

Hong Kong Holiday Day 5

Day 5 of our Hong Kong trip, and we were still resting in bed, well this was quite early in the morning though:

Then we got up and headed to Central Station and met up with a Klook representative to collect tickets for the tram ride to the peak:

where there was nothing to see because of the foggy weather:

So we headed to the Trick Eye Museum Hong Kong:

where the kids had fun with famous art:

and they were part of it:

Stuck at a ledge over a rainbow:

or stuck on a flower on the river:

or worse, stuck at a log in the middle of a huge hole in the water:

or stuck in barrels?

or on barrels?

or stuck on the ledge at the museum?

That was not Ping's panty!

What? Riding on a rooster and a chick?

Again, stuck at the river:

Stuck in barrels again?

Stuck on the ledge again?

because of an elephant at the bottom?

Trick eye room, strange...

Stuck in the middle of a volcano eruption!

Daddy to the rescue!

or stuck in a peaceful place on a hammock?

with fairies???

Xuan rather be racing!

same for Ping:

Master of Elevation:

Mistress of Elevation? Using elephants that is:


Shark getting closer!

and both kids ended up in kitty land, in a pram:

where they relive there baby years:


Same cats!

Cats using porcelain!

Cat food or cat toy?

Has the world gone upside down?

or downside up?

Disappearing body?

or just the head? Scary!

Xuan looked like he was reaching Nirvana:

while Ping became a butterfly hybrid!

Xuan ended up in the sea:

and hanging for his life!

Ping was just chilling:

We were hanging onto our dear lives from the big baby!

Ping was reaching the bottom!

but Xuan rescued her!

At the end of the tour, some Korean dude gave flowers:

the kind that couldn't be removed from the museum:

The weather was still very foggy outside after our Trick Eye Museum trip:

but it was cooling to walk around the peak:

and we ended up at some more trick eye stuff, Hong Kong style:

Fighting with some Chinese opera dude:

Covering up to prevent from getting hurt by the exploding fish tank:

Bungee jumping!

Falling into a hole of the mall!

with nothing to hang onto!

climbing this weird structure:

How come so many falling or hanging on?

Dragon attack!

Performing at the festival!

Panda doing kung fu?

Flying seafood!

Flying poultry!

We ended up paying for some really good pictures:

Like this tram ride:

and this rickshaw ride:

The weather was still the same outside:

The peak loved Ping:

and Xuan:

Time to leave:

after having some snacks:

Oh, we met Aaron Kwok's wax figure along the way:

And the tram had arrived!

Heading back to the bottom of the hill:

was tired but fun for all of us:

Then we shopped a bit:

and took the tram to meet up with my father:

after dinner, the kids had fun at the playground, spinning:

and swinging:

We spent the rest of the evening at the library:

where Ping was diligently reading:

and Xuan was diligently at the computer:

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